Tuesday, January 1, 2008

New Years Eve

Bern and I had a wonderful evening with lots of close friends! We started the night off over at the Wassenbergs where we proceeded to watch K-State get owned at the Xavier game...then we went out to a lovely dinner at the MCC. After that we headed down to Aggieville and went to the KatHouse where we brought in the New Year. It was a great night.

The two Jennifer's and Scott having a ball.....


Jessie said...

Hey, Kristin! This is Jessie Lund! I just found your blog link off of Jen Salmans! It's so fun to see pics of you and your new hubby! Looks like everything is going well with you!

Just so I don't feel like I'm stalking you, you can check out my blog too if you'd like...

Take care!

Jen S. said...

Why are my lips so stinkin red?!?!

The Unprocessed Project said...

Hi Kristin! - It's Katie (Abbott) Smith here. I found you through Jessie's site. Who needs MySpace when you can find people though blogs!! Here is our site if you want to check us out!


Looks like you are enjoying married life....you guys are so cute!!!

all of us said...

Νέο blog σχετικά με τη λειτουργία του stand by στις ηλεκτρικές συσκευές. Ας υπογράψουμε όλοι...
